Just because we don't agree doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong.
If we try your method first and it fails, then it's time to try a different method.
Education the natural process of life.
Always strive to get an education and never rely on what others consider to be an acceptable education for any aspect of your life.
A herb is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or other qualities.
Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual purposes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Defining a Disillusioned Baptist

I consider myself to be a Disillusioned Baptist(some may call me AGNOSTIC), this is partially due to what seems to be a lack of trust for the leaders in different religious ideologies. I image at one time years ago I may have truly believed in God, but then early in my life I started questioning if people really do believe or is it a crutch to lean on when they lack the ability to accept responsibility for ones own actions and decisions.

Ok, so if I remember Genesis, God create heaven and earth, provided us with a variety of plants and animals for our continuing existence.  Some also claim he gave us intelligence you know the ability to learn and discover unlimited potential with an open mind.

If so many people in the religious communities believe God created all life on this earth, then turn around and condemn someone for the use of a herb (cannabis sativa) as they see fit which they claim their God created. In my opinion that is both a biblical and mortal sin upon humanity. Isn't it a sin to intentionally forget or ignore the past and what we have learned from it? The very reason I question others faith in God.

If he does exist, what is he thinking about when he looks upon this world and the conditions we have it in? We are here as guardians of this planet and the life on it. It looking like we are doing a piss poor job at that. If you don't believe that, step back, take a look around (not at the people) but the world as a whole and how it is reacting to people. We are having quite a bit of a changes in the weather and global shifting, animals that normally shun human contact moving back to the areas where we have set up house. God or Nature is trying to inform us to that we need to change the way we treat our home world and how we co-exist with the other living species.

We make the claim of being the superior intelligence on this planet. We have the ability to think, our minds are the most valuable commodity to this world we call home. So when do we start using them? After it's to late, sorry I'm not going to fly with that thought.

People in general understand the concept of everything in moderation, we consistently prove to ourselves not to practice the idea. We have in some way corrupted everything we've touched. Since the beginning of time people have made leaps and bounds to get us to where we are today. Yet, at what price?
We have pretty much abused or in the process of abusing our own existence.
As people have progressed we have forgotten as caretakers we have an obligation to protect this world from it's own worst enemy (people in general). Our world is not disposable and we need to quit throwing it away.

We have discovered that if one species is forced into extinction, it has a domino effect that tumbles through and affects every species life. And yet we continue the practice of negligent extinction whether we want to see it or not. So that being the case every living thing is essentially intertwined with each other and it doesn't matter one bit if it's right next to you or on the other side of the world.

I personally don't care whether people claim to believe in God and creation, or in natural evolution, primarily because no matter how we got here I believe we each and every species (plants and animals) rely on the other to continue living.  A give and take symbiotic concept. In order to take something from this world we must be able to give something back so that all species can benefit. We have cosmetically and physically altered our world with no real regard to other species we share this world with.

The continued destruction of forest which house thousands of life forms, we are wasting the valuable resources that eventually can't be replaced, unless some changes are made quickly. With all the knowledge and information that we as superior intelligence species have acquired through out history, we have in the past found and used a natural organic (IT'S RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE) alternative to destroying those forest.(YES, I AM TALKING ABOUT INDUSTRIAL HEMP THAT CONTAINS NO PHYSCO-ACTIVE AGENTS)

How much damage are we doing to this world pumping oil from the ground on one side and relocating it to the other side of the world. It's like a set of scales unless we can come up with a replacement that is equal in weight and volume then there can be no true balance. (AND AGAIN THIS PROCESS CAN BE REPLACED WITH INDUSTRIAL HEMP AS AN ETHANOL FUEL SOURCE)

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