Just because we don't agree doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong.
If we try your method first and it fails, then it's time to try a different method.
Education the natural process of life.
Always strive to get an education and never rely on what others consider to be an acceptable education for any aspect of your life.
A herb is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or other qualities.
Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual purposes.

Friday, February 26, 2010



This has some interesting amount of history which I consider a very educational reading requirement.

I have an idea that if industrial cannabis is relegalized that a lot of economical and environmental issuses can be solved.

Years ago Arkansas passed a bill to allow for the legalized study of industrial cannabis (HEMP). Some have suspected it would make a good rotation crop for farmers, which I tend to agree with. But, I also believe it can be a renewable and viable source of fuel for the farmers, bringing them to a more self sufficiency. Giving them the advantage of being able to go green and getting additional tax breaks for organic farming.
The idea is to raise a crop, harvest and convert to an ethonal fuel for use in the farm equipment, I have also read that it is suspected of being able to clean the soil of pollutants we as so called superior beings have posioned our world with.

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