Just because we don't agree doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong.
If we try your method first and it fails, then it's time to try a different method.
Education the natural process of life.
Always strive to get an education and never rely on what others consider to be an acceptable education for any aspect of your life.
A herb is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or other qualities.
Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual purposes.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ex deputy and his over valued marijuana arrest

Former Miller Co. deputy Clay Hardin, Michael Jester, Jody Jester arrested for drugs - todaysthv.com | KTHV | Little Rock, AR

 Just over a pound of marijuana valued @ $13,440 what a crock. if that was 2 pounds that would equal $420 an ounce, I haven't check the prices lately but I am pretty sure that is an over exageration.

Now if this is the estimated value of everything seized, how many tax dollars were spent on this 1 year investigation? Can that be considered a justifiable expense? Not to mention the additional expense of processing and court cost the taxpayers will have to cover. Then if found guilty and sentenced to serve time in a correctional facility at what is estimated to cost $20,000+ a year for us to pay.

I have to ask, how does it make sense to spend more a year housing people for marijuana charges than people working for minimum wages make in a year?

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