Former Miller Co. deputy Clay Hardin, Michael Jester, Jody Jester arrested for drugs - | KTHV | Little Rock, AR
Just over a pound of marijuana valued @ $13,440 what a crock. if that was 2 pounds that would equal $420 an ounce, I haven't check the prices lately but I am pretty sure that is an over exageration.
Now if this is the estimated value of everything seized, how many tax dollars were spent on this 1 year investigation? Can that be considered a justifiable expense? Not to mention the additional expense of processing and court cost the taxpayers will have to cover. Then if found guilty and sentenced to serve time in a correctional facility at what is estimated to cost $20,000+ a year for us to pay.
I have to ask, how does it make sense to spend more a year housing people for marijuana charges than people working for minimum wages make in a year?
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