Just because we don't agree doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong.
If we try your method first and it fails, then it's time to try a different method.
Education the natural process of life.
Always strive to get an education and never rely on what others consider to be an acceptable education for any aspect of your life.
A herb is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or other qualities.
Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual purposes.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Solving the overcrowded prison problem.

We are presently hearing about the overcrowded prison system, a vast majority of the inmates are non violent offenders, in there for non-payment of child support, possession of controlled substances, and a variety of other personal mistakes.

First, in Arkansas it is estimated that we spend $22,000+ a year per inmate to incarcerate them, that figure goes up as they age due to medical problems. The problem I see with this is there are people who are working for minimum wages 40 hours a week and they don't make what we spend on criminals in a year. So who is actually getting punished?

Saline county had a dead beat dad round up recently, now if these people are sentenced to serve time not only do we pay for their incarceration, but also pay their child support. Instead of incarceration put them to work in child services part time 10-20 hours a week and use the money they would earn as their child support payment. If we are going to help support these people we should get something in return.

As for those incarcerated for the possession of a so called controlled substances change the law to legalize those drugs, then tax those products, expunge their records, and redirect the energy of the D.E.A. to inspect the products and assist with those who have abused those products and wanting help to get away from the addictions that is controlling their life. After all it has been proven that in order to help some one with problem they have to want the help. This is simply not a crime, it is and always will be a health and safety issue. Just as alcoholism is an addiction and not a disease.

Those who are found guilty of non-violent breaking and entering related to theft, put monitor anklets on them to keep track of them, set them up with some employment with the state for manual labor (such as highway clean-up, taking care of the city parks, and other such needed work) a percentage of their salary held back for court cost, probation fees, and victim restitution.

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